Monday, May 14, 2012

Seeing is believing...

I see what you are. I hear what you want to be. I know you have the power to accomplish those dreams, but I fear you lack the drive. I worry about your mental state, while I think you are the most sane person I have ever met. I look at you on a daily basis, yet still don't recognize you. Your laugh is my motivator, and your tears my biggest weakness. I feel your ideas are so deep few will understand you, which draws me toward you. Your eyes are a magnet, your words a vice. Your scent is intoxicating, your taste addicting. Your beliefs are pure, your thoughts a natural disaster. Your desires are unkempt, your ambition scares me. You are the reflection of my inner child, and an image of my darkest ideas. Your flaws are without scar, and your scars without flaw. I know you as I know no other. You are me...

"Get into the practice of staring into a mirror for 10 minutes a day. Not in vanity, but in self reflection. Stare into the eyes of your soul and ask yourself if you are speaking the truth from your heart. Or repeating the beliefs and ideas of others. Take comfort in every flaw you see, because that is what makes you an individual. Not what you do well, but what you struggle to do at all. That is what is beautiful about you, the passion you have for life. To make yourself better in all things, while allowing nothing to bring you down." - Timothy Ralston

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