Friday, March 23, 2012

Within the darkness...

I have seen the evil that exists within the heart of men. I have seen the fires that burn there, and it has changed me. I walk with the knowledge that all is not lost, for somewhere exists peace. To the evil, consider me a being of light. I will conquer you, not with sanctomonious religious tripe, but with understanding. For that same flame boils my blood as well. Within you, I see myself. I will not fall, for there is no hole I will not climb out of. What you may see as fault, I see as ambition. What you are unable to grasp, I feed upon. Stoking my heart higher, and higher. Eventually my love for all beings will devour the planet. Only then will I find peace, and only then will the paths of fear dry up. That is my dream, to exist without fear of existence. It is the way things are when we stop focusing on the reallity of what is. Good or evil, white or black, left or right, the truth lies within the grey. See yourself for who you are, and no matter the path you take, remember your way. Breadcrumbs can be eaten, and as time takes its toll, the landmarks you see now can change drastically. A map will only get you as far as the edge, then you have to jump into the unknown. What isn't known, should not be feared, but embraced like a child in the arms of a new mother. With every minute ticking slowly away into the dark, make the choice. Make your choice. Be good, be anything really. Just remember to exist now, because tomorrow you might not. This is the grey, this is the way, and I will hold your hand within the darkness.

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