Sunday, July 29, 2012

Rhythmic Life...

I hear the rhythm in the trees, the winds abated breath.
I feel the rhythm in the sand, the earths rumbling baritone.
I sing the rhythm of the land, a song lost to society.
I play the rhythm of the seas, like a poem flowing free.
I know the rhythm of the heart, the beat of stability.
I see the rhythm of the soul, as creativity flows from an artists brush.

Within every moment, a thousand vibrations. Enourmous possible outcomes. How you act and react to any given situation opens up, and closes many doors. As each situation is unique, so is how you are able to alter the paths around you. Not only your own, but every individual walking the face of Mother Earth. Allow greatness into your life, and let that same amazing energy shine forth. Let it be your lantern in the darkness. We all know that night is eternal, boardering on infernal. Yet that doesn't stop us from plowing forth. Listen to the tune surrounding, follow through your forceful might, and offer a helping hand to those in need. Some walk with ears attuned, others deaf as stone. Many carry candles, few a solar flare. Fortune follows the brave, and diminishes the weak. March forth with your life, and haul the lowly up the hill.

Stop being what people think you ought to be. Be who you are, as long as good intentions drive you. Reach out to the helpless, and help the ones who do not ask. He who is capable of asking, is capable of changing their own lives when given the chance.

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