Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Meaning of life...

Everyone is looking for meaning in their life. We all want to believe that we are part of something, something big. That life isn't just wallowing in debt, fighting to survive, praying that tomorrow isn't going to be as bad as yesterday or today. We all want to be special, and if you believe your 1st grade teacher, then you are. Maybe not get your own Olympics special, but there is something about you that is bigger, badder, and better than anyone else in the world. You just have to figure out what it is. (Lying bitch...)

The reality generally falls incredibly short of this, you are after all just like everyone else. A carbon copy of your parents, or grand parents, your boss, or their boss, etc, etc, etc... The list is ever growing of people who have the exact same skills, the exact same abilities, and even the same combination of charisma, vitality, and mana... (Sorry... slipped into my pocket protector personality from high school for a minute.) But what about all of those commercials from the 80's and every television show ever saying to be an individual? How is everyone striving to be an individual a unique existence? Especially when those same commercials and television shows are promoting fashion trends, brand names, and a hive mentality. You aren't different because you are trying to fit in with everyone else. You're not different because of what you do for a living. I don't care if you work at Mc Donalds, or are the President of the United States. If you pay attention, you both eat, you both sleep, and you both pee in the pool at Water World. The only difference is the pay check, and who your boss is... (And you know, the general roles and responsibilities the position requires...) Outside of that, you are both human beings, striving to find meaning within your life.

Well... That's depressing. So what your telling me is that life doesn't have any meaning?

No, quite the opposite in fact. I am merely explaining why what you are doing isn't working. Stop striving to be different, and just accept who you are. That's step one.

So, then if I am just being myself. Then where do I look for meaning?

That's the key isn't it? This is where many of us struggle. Where do I go to find meaning in life. I can tell you right off the bat, that you won't find it in any self help book at Barnes and Nobles. I can tell you, that your not going to stumble upon it in your next promotion at work. It's not under your couch cushions with all that loose change, and I'm pretty sure it's not going to be relayed to you at the end of the Xbox game your so close to beating. I think the reason we all struggle so much with where to look, is because none of us are really looking to begin with. Or if we are looking, we do so as one might peruse the back cover of a book to see if it's something you would be interested reading.

It's important to ask yourself 3 questions when starting your journey to find inner peace and meaning within your life.

What will make me happy?

I want to be a writer!
 So be a writer! 

But I haven't gone to school to learn to be a writer.
  I agree you need to learn grammar, and basic spelling to be a great writer. But story is found within, that spark of wisdom that will become art on your page is not learned in school. It bubbles up from your very being, and is the fuel that burns to energize your creative palette. 

But all the jobs I have looked for require a degree in English, or Creative Writing.
  Do you want to be a writer, or do you want to get paid to write? These are two incredibly different things, but neither are mutually exclusive. I also want to be a writer, that is where I find meaning within my own life. I don't get paid to do it. (Not yet at least.) But I love doing it. So I therefore am a writer. 

Yes... I want to get paid for it.
  So is writing going to bring meaning to your life, or is money? 

As you can see, finding the understanding within yourself as to what it is that will make you really happy is an important step. Be honest, and don't be surprised when what you think you want still doesn't make you happy. Yes, you are making more money than you can ever spend, but you are also working 100 hours a week, and aren't able to enjoy anything because when your not glued to your cubicle, your asleep. Are you happy? Very few people are able to take what makes them happy, and make it lucrative. Yes, it can happen, and with enough creativity and hard work, I am sure you can as well. But be sure that even if it isn't bringing you gobs of money, you are doing and practicing what it is you love to do. That will start your search for meaning off on the right foot.

Why isn't this working?

I am doing what I enjoy doing, and I'm still not happy. Didn't you tell me this would work?
 Pretty sure what I told you was not to be surprised when you do what you 'think' you want to be doing, and it doesn't make you happy. This isn't a game of clear rewards. 

Fine... Then what next O'great leader?
  Stop being sarcastic, I'm trying to help. Do something different. Something you never thought you would try. Jump out of an airplane, dive into an ocean and explore a coral reef. Learn how to play the piano and join a band. This is where I think we fail most often, is by not exploring the possibilities that surround us. Just because you have never done it, and don't think you will enjoy it, doesn't mean it's not what will make you happy. 


One of the reasons we are so miserable, is that we get stuck in a rut so to speak. We do the same things day in and day out. They didn't make us happy yesterday, why in the world do we think that by continuing to do them, we'll be happier tomorrow? Break out of your shell and experience something new. It doesn't have to be costly, it just has to be different. Instead of going to the bar this Friday night, go camping for the weekend, take a hike, drag your friends to the lake, and just spend the weekend existing, no apologies, no excuses. Be you... Which is another important step on this journey. Find comfort within yourself. It will sound somewhat cynical, but in the end you are the only person you can rely on. Sure, you can call Mom & Dad when you need a loan, but what happens when they are gone? You need to talk to someone, so you call your best friend. What if they don't answer? Where do you go? You use what senses you have to figure that out. You rely on yourself.

What's next?

Alright, so then what?
  Your trying new things, you are attempting to find a better understanding of yourself, and your ancy to make it work faster. I understand. You're going to hate this...

Hate what?
  I can't tell you what is next. You may never find that meaning you so desperately seek. Life for you could continue to be a meaningless void... I can tell you one thing though... most people who seek peace will find it eventually. Here is the kicker.. I'm about to share with you the meaning of life your so desperately seeking. 

And why, couldn't you have just done that in the first place? Instead of making me read, and try things... Asshole!
   Hey, watch the language... you wouldn't have believed me before... The meaning of life is... searching for the meaning of life. 


There... that's it. Congratulations on making it this far. Your reward? A stronger understanding of what it is that makes you happy, and the frustrating realization that no book, no blog, and no simple answer will give it to you. It has been said that it's not the destination, but the journey that you'll remember. And so it is again. Also, you should take heart, as I mentioned before. I find meaning within writing, and because you just read this, you support the fact that my life has meaning.

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