Thursday, March 24, 2011

It's time we stopped to smell the coffee.

It's time we stopped to smell the coffee, cause the caffeine is running out.
The very life of the earth boiling up, being consumed in that form of oil.
Also known as light, energy, our main source of fuel.
Transportation linked to the earths blood, being burned to pollute the very air we breathe; destruction of the ozone shortly followed by contamination of the environmental cause.
Mother Nature drowning in chemicals and toxicities being pumped into the air and the seas.
Altering the planets temperature gauge, messing with the currents that enable life to exist.
With unemployment on the rise, families living three to a room struggling to survive.
Who's left to care about the falling sky?
The sky, the sky is falling, collapsing in upon itself.
Asteroids burning through the atmosphere, marked by plumes of smoke billowing from towers of nuclear waste.
Is this the world our children inherit?
Our legacy: disease, destruction, and true dedication to the moral right.
But what about the moral left?
We have freedom of religion, how about the freedom to love?
That's in the states hands.
What happened to our lives?
Once our own, and now our countries, spirits disappearing for wars the people don't believe in.
Unable to care for ourselves, the excuse to care for others.
But can we truly care about another?
Mothers mourning children's lost to peace, the quiet overwhelming.
The pitter patter of little feet scrambling through the destructed rubble in the street.
The hope of a better future doused in napalm and burning rain.
But it doesn't have to be.
All we need is to stop and breathe, cause the rainbow is on the other side.
I can feel it calling me, the voice muffled by the silenced.
By the people with the money, on the spending spree.
The hope lies in the hearts.
Waiting, just waiting to be freed.
How is this achieved?
By opening your mind to a plethora of possibility.
Your choice to live, the very breath you breathe.
Pain caused by ignorance, is pain caused.
Love given to the lonely, the scared, the ugly, that's the key.
Suddenly, our eyes able to truly see, there is no difference between you and me.
We think our thoughts, we dream our dreams.
Hearts beating patterns languidly.
Open eyes, open ears, stop.
Just to hear, the cries of the sick, the poor, the elderly.
Facts a light, our purpose here, merely to live?
Or to seek peace by way of give.
Ask not what you can do for you, but what you can do for your people.
The country, mere borders in need of disrepair, lines drawn in the sand.
Wide eyed and opened hearted, now's the time to take a stand.
Be free to choose the paths you'll make, but don't place importance on the take.
That's the trail of the hollow, the cynical, the ones that know only how to follow.
If you choose to lead, do so by example.
For generosity, is a seed.
Once planted the flowers grow.
It's not to late to let hope flow.
And always remember, to stop and smell the coffee.
-Timothy Ralston 6/16/2008

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