The year... 2014. It was a cold year, both in nature and in spirit. In those dark times, existed a light of hope. They were named Customer Hosted Patient Portal and Customer hosted Mobile Web. They lived off the energies of one man, the only one who could control those wild spirits. That man was me and he would be named the first. The Web Tech Coordinator. Then another appeared. His name was Sam, together they built an empire within the world of Open Dental. It started out small with a new service called the Listener. This new God demanded more, it required sustenance. It required Port Forwarding from all who would use it, but most of all it required several months of testing. Then it became an Open Dental hosted version of the Patient Portal, followed a few months after with a hosted version of Mobile Web. The dark times were almost over, as these new features spread across the land. It became too much for just the one man to control.
One day another joined the ranks of Web Tech Coordinators, this unfortunate soul named JasonL happened to be sitting in my cube when the ruler of all the ancient Open Dental demanded a sacrifice, and I pushed him into the inferno. Other services were born into the world over the following few months, and we had communication in the form of written word. People could now send their thoughts instantaneously across many miles with the strike of a few keys. It was beautiful in it's glory.
Then that service took on a life of it's own, it was automated. Luckily it used it's powers for the good of all man kind, and alerted people of their upcoming appointments. The Listener now no longer powerful enough to handle all of these new services bore an offspring of it's own. We call it now the eConnector. Once this new service hit the world, vast new opportunities were upon us. this automated service could hear others as well, and not only could it alert others of their appointments, it could now update those appointments when they acknowledged them. Saving individuals the requirement of uncomfortable cold calls based off of decisions others had made months prior. The power of the eConnector continued to grow, and people everywhere started utilizing it's features. They began to demand more and more from the 2 Web Tech Coordinators, so another was brought into the light. History has lost his name, but it is rumored that he was called CodyO. With the addition of this third to their secretive ranks, a new department was formed. It was named eServices.
The story from there was filled with massive bugs upon every iteration. These 3 men spent most of their time testing the limits of the eServices powers, stretching it and communicating with those using it to help as many as possible. It was the beginning of the end for the first Web Tech Coordinator. He had been stretched too thin. On top of managing eServices, he also juggled 2 other departments and a team of his own. Unable to spend as much time testing and setting up new converts to eServices, others were brought in the fray. Their names were Jacob and Geraldine, with an occasional assist from Margaret. Then several months later JeffH and CamO, followed quickly by JeffH's clone that we called Jared. These additional resources allowed for the department to develop even more power. Web Sched Recall and it's twin brother Web Sched New Patient. Some of the leaders left and moved on to other groups or to live lives of their own outside the world of Open Dental. There were dark times as well, the addition of eServices eRx had formed from the darkness that still existed and it was also being controlled by many of these individuals. This service produced someone named Darb and the dark times continued. There was a power struggle between this new person and the first Web Tech, the battles lasted for years at a time.
In the year 2017 the first Web Tech's personality split into 3 separate entities. He was now the eServices Manager, Escalation Manager, and eServices eRx Manager. In July of that year, a complaint formed and from that complaint the 3 personalities merged again into a unique form titled Advanced Services Manager, and an assistant was now required. RyanJ would now help to lead the masses and even more resources were acquired...