Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Then he said...

For the last few months, I have been feeling trapped. Like a bear in a, well... a trap. (Wasn't as creative as I would have liked.) It has continuously gotten worse, and worse. My job, my home, and with everyone I know. More and more weight pressing down on my shoulders until all my insides were ready to squish out my eyeballs. (How's that for creative?) I have been considering life, and who I was before now.

At one point I was carefree, I lived everyday without worry of consequence. Then one day, it changed. I can't pinpoint when it did, I can't even tell you what caused it. However something flipped, and I got comfortable with my discomfort. Suddenly I was drowning in my own life. Trying to survive, afraid to let loose, of what people thought of me. I was no longer free to be me. (Stupid non-creative bear trap...)

I just can't take it anymore! You can probably tell from my previous post that I have had it up to here (You can't see it, by my hand is really high) with all the crap that is being pushed on top of me... on top of us! Bills galore, politicians making decisions for us that has nothing to do with them, 80 hour work weeks, and not nearly enough time. Then tonight, I had what many therapists (I have problems with the fact that word spells "the rapist") might call a breakthrough.

I said, "FUCK IT!"

I am done with the bullshit I'm swimming in. Take a good look, because I am back, and this time... I'm here to stay. My thoughts, are not yours to control. In fact, they are the only thing keeping me sane. My body is my own, and where it goes, who it knows, and what it sees. Is up to me. Your oppinions matter too.... to you. What I think about you doesn't matter, what your mother, sister, uncle, minister, or third grade teacher thinks... is obtuse, and only important to them. I am tired of being afraid of where I am going, solely because someone may not like it.

And with that realization... He lived happily ever after.

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