What's Beautiful you ask? Life... Life is beautiful. Nature, has shown us time and time again that it is an architectual genius. We are the students, and I fear nothing we create, will ever be as beautiful as it's organic counterpart. Hrm, that poses an interesting question, and you'll find it's often one of my favorites.
Have you ever taken the time to look at a clover? Next time your at the park, lay down in the grass, and look closely at a patch of clovers.
Nearly perfect heartshaped pettals. Each one unique to it's individual stem. Every single one is an amazing work of art. It's flaws are as characterizing as it is mesmerizing.
What we seem to have lost in our own personal works of art, is that spark of life. The quirky little flaws that turn something or someone from ordinary to extraordinary. A certain grace that is missing from a lot of todays art. I have seen few artists who are truely able to catch that spark of life.
I suppose it’s like comparing early 20th Century art with today’s modern art.
Vincent Van Gough - Country Road in Province by Night - May 1890
Image: Tom McNease Contemporary Art. http://www.tommcnease.net/index.html
Both paintings are unbelievably beautiful in their own right, but they aren't either one in the same class of art. Van Gough will always be a classic, something that will be passed down through the ages. Contemporary Art on the otherhand is trendy, and even when the artist catches that spark of life as seen above. It will fade, as fashion does. Maybe it's our short attention spans... Did you see that episode of Facts of Life where Blair goes out with wet hair... it was so funny. Wait what was I saying?
-A desire to be unique will usually end in being just like everyone else around you... From one conforming nonconformist to another. Rather than trying to be unique, be inspired. - Timothy Ralston.
Both paintings are unbelievably beautiful in their own right, but they aren't either one in the same class of art. Van Gough will always be a classic, something that will be passed down through the ages. Contemporary Art on the otherhand is trendy, and even when the artist catches that spark of life as seen above. It will fade, as fashion does. Maybe it's our short attention spans... Did you see that episode of Facts of Life where Blair goes out with wet hair... it was so funny. Wait what was I saying?
-A desire to be unique will usually end in being just like everyone else around you... From one conforming nonconformist to another. Rather than trying to be unique, be inspired. - Timothy Ralston.