Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Once upon a time...

Once upon a time, I was more that I am, yet less than I was. What was that you ask? Lost. Fighting blindly through a snowstorm. Walking in loops around my head, and then I met someone... I was no longer alone. There was an equal half of my being. No longer lost, but following footsteps in circles all the same. A soul-mate? It was once thought, but never conceived. A friend by name, and only occasionally by nature. Two kindred spirits stalking their prey by way of shared knowledge. This started a journey together, as it lasted for several years. As all things must, the end came round as a form of dis-association. What often happens when time moves on, people change and things stay the same. There is a jarring in the foundation, that even friendships have difficulty withstanding. The cracks appeared slowly over the course of many breakups, long discussions, and hair being held. Looking from an outside perspective, people would say that it was only a matter of time anyway. However the pain is still there. Every time a spiders web glistens in the dew, or the breeze blows a pattern in the shadow, the blade twists just a bit, not quite drawing blood, but still that gasp of discomfort. Silence has lasted now for many months, with barely a whisper of a word between the two far and wide. Forgiveness... will come, even where none is deserved. The fault of one blamed on the actions of many doesn't change the words that come between. A simple hello, or meaningless goodbye should never fracture a love, as naive as it is strong. Because to love someone unconditionally can never be wrong.

- Do not be afraid of laying your heart on the table. Anytime something so delicate is exposed to the elements, it stands that it could be damaged. This is not something to fear, in fact, this is something to be embraced. Wounds heal, the sun is going to rise again tomorrow, and the day after that. Your pride may get hurt, your heart broken, but that pain and suffering give light to the entire world of happiness. You cannot experience happiness without sadness and fear. They work together in a dance of duality, and in some right are merely the mirrors reflection of the same. Love all. Love unconditionally. Love eternally. - Love Me....